[Proximal fibulo-tibial dislocation and ischemia associated with a leg fracture. Apropos of 2 cases]

Published online: Sep 27 1993

J L Tricoire, J Puget, P Chiron, J A Colombier, and G Utheza.

Service de Chirurgie Orthopédique et Traumatologique, CHU Toulouse Rangueil, France.


Proximal fibulotibial dislocation may remain escape detection in leg injuries. Posterior dislocations are unusual and are associated with shortening of the limb due to the tibial fracture. Two cases of such dislocation are reported, associated with lower limb ischemia due to an injury of the arterial popliteal trifurcation. An anatomical model indicates the mechanism of this lesion. Such an unusual association has not be found elsewhere in literature.