Congenital macrodactyly : A clinical study
Published online: Aug 27 2005
Anjum SYED, Rana SHERWANI, Quamar AZAM, Faisal HAQUE, Kafeel AKHTER
From Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India
Congenital macrodactyly is a rare congenital malformation
characterised by progressive enlargement of
all mesenchymal elements of a digit. The present
study is an attempt to draw the attention towards the
similarities and differences between macrodactyly of
the hand and foot.
Radiographical, operative findings and histopathological
examination of five cases are included in the
present study. Emphasis was given to know the possible
basic lesion. Radiographic findings, which differentiate
this entity from other forms of local gigantism,
were also analysed.
The most characteristic finding noted was excessive
overgrowth of fibro-fatty tissue with unusually large
fatty lobules, apparently fixed by a mesh of dense
fibrous tissue. Hypertrophy and tortuosity of the digital
nerve, a striking feature in macrodactyly of the
hand, was notably absent in cases affecting the foot.
None of the patients had any other associated congenital
anomalies. Neither the patients nor any of
their family members had any stigmata of neurofibromatosis.
Chromosomal study was normal in all of
We conclude that in macrodactyly of the foot, excessive
proliferation and accumulation of adipose tissue
was the basic lesion, whereas involvement of the
nerve might be the fundamental lesion in gigantism
of the hand. Furthermore, whatever be the basic
lesion, the final pathway must be either the local deficiency
of a growth inhibiting factor or local expression
of a basic intrinsic factor, leading to excessive
growth of all elements of the digit.