Percutaneous pinning for fractures of the distal radius

Published online: Apr 27 2006

Marco Rosati, Sara Bertagnini, Giuseppe Digrandi, Carmelo Sala

From the University of Pisa, Italy


The results of treatment of wrist fractures with percutaneous pin fixation in 106 patients are reported. Functional and radiological evaluation was made for all patients. All fractures healed ; loss of reduction occurred in only two cases. The best results were obtained in metaphyseal fractures of the radius, while good results were obtained in intra-articular fractures ; the worst results were noted in cases with an associated fracture of the ulnar styloid, in elderly patients, or in cases with associated fractures in other parts of the skeleton. When the volar tilt has been restored to more than 10 degrees higher than normal, loss of wrist motion may occur. No vascular, nervous or tendinous lesion was noted. A nerve entrapment syndrome at the wrist occurred in a fairly high percentage of cases (14.1%).