Evaluation of cruciate and slot auxiliary screw head design modifications for extracting stripped screw heads

Published online: Dec 27 2007

Scott A. Klein, Nicholas A. Kenney, John A. Nyland, David Seligson

From the University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky, USA


Slotted and cruciate auxiliary screw head design modifications for “salvaging” a stripped hexagonal head screw were studied. Thirty screws were divided into 3 groups : Group 1 = control without modification, Group 2 = auxiliary cruciate design modification and Group 3 = auxiliary slot design modification. Screws were inserted into adhesive filled high-density synthetic bone tunnels using a hexagonal driver. Group 1 screws were removed using a hexagonal driver. Group 2 and group 3 screws were removed using drivers that matched their respective auxiliary design modifications. All group 1 and group 3 screws (100%) were effectively extracted. Three of 10 (30%) group 2 screws could not be effectively extracted. Group 2 screws displayed greater stripping and deformation than the other groups. The auxiliary slot design modification withstood comparable extraction torques as control screws without significant deformation. Screws with a cruciate design modification displayed more frequent failure, greater stripping and deformation.