Pulsatile bleeding during closed vertebral biopsy

Published online: Dec 27 2007

Anastasios Christodoulou, Efthimios Samoladas, Panagiotis Givissis, Ioannis Pournaras

From Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece


Needle biopsy of the spine yields a higher diagnostic accuracy when large bore instruments are used. The Harlow Wood vertebral biopsy needle, for instance, has an internal diameter of 3 mm. However, pulsatile bleeding may occur, especially when a tumoral lesion is biopsied. The authors noted 9 pulsatile bleedings in 238 needle biopsies (3.8%). A piece of Surgicel‚, brought in with the trephine guide and the obturator, was an efficient treatment. A second piece of Surgicel‚, soaked in 1:10.000 adrenaline, was sometimes necessary.