Minimally invasive correction of phalangeal malunion under local anaesthesia

Published online: Oct 27 2013

Bommie F. SEO, Dong-Jin KIM, Jun Yong LEE, Ho KWON, Sung-No JUNG

From the Catholic University of Korea, Uijeongbu, Korea


Posttraumatic malunion of the proximal phalanx of the fingers may cause visible deformities and impair hand function. Severe dysfunction requires surgical correction, most often via open corrective osteotomies. However, such an approach requires longer bone healing time, inevitably results in a scar, and has a higher potential for extensor tendon adhesion. When performed under general anaesthesia it is also difficult to assess dynamic finger position such as rotational malunion. Thus, the authors have devised and applied a technique of minimal invasive corrective osteotomy under local anaesthesia, permitting active flexion and extension, which leads to more accurate reduction, and earlier recovery.