Outcomes following extremity wound coverage with an acellular skin substitute (Integra) : a multi-center study
Published online: Sep 27 2014
Julie E. ADAMS, John T. CAPO, Marco RIZZO
From University of Minnesota, New York University-Langone, Mayo Clinic, Rochester
The purpose of this manuscript is to document results and complications of use of a regenerative dermal matrix skin substitute for coverage of extremity wounds. A retrospective review at 3 institutions identified 28 patients and 34 wounds who had undergone use of this material (Integra). Complications included failure in two patients (4 wounds). However, overall “take” of the regenerative matrix was 86.1%. In most cases, a split thickness skin graft was applied on average at 25 days following the initial procedure.
Failures were associated with infection and irradiation of the surgical field. In this series, use of the dermal regenerative matrix was associated with a high rate of success for wound coverage, obviating the need for flap coverage or prolonged dressing changes in most cases. Further series are likely to refine the known indications and contraindications to use of this method.