A growing stake in orthopaedic surgery and traumatology for the future management of obese patients.
obesity ; orthopaedic ; surgery
Published online: Apr 23 2019
The prevalence of obesity is increasing. In orthopaedic surgery, the impact of obesity is felt. The aim is to take stock of the consequences of obesity for patients at each stage of management. In this mini-review, we identify the main pathophysiological factors, specific orthopaedic complications and consequences to consider at each stage of management. Obese patients are subjected to a chronic inflammatory state and biomechanical stress. This augments the risk of sepsis and trauma, musculoskeletal damage, the frequency of organ failure and thus, morbidity and mortality. This results in more complex and longer supportive care. At each stage of care, surgeons and doctors have to adapt to optimize care. It is necessary to obtain timely and accurate information from the patient. Patient information is necessary. Being obese in orthopaedics is a factor in poor prognosis. Treatments need to be adapted. This requires specific preparation at each step.