Soft tissue defect closure using an Ilizarov frame: a case series


Ilizarov, soft tissue defect, wound closure, skin transport

Published online: Oct 21 2024


1 Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University Hospitals Leuven, Faculty of Medicine, Catholic University of Leuven (KU Leuven), UZ Leuven, Belgium
2 Department of Ophtalmology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Antwerp, UZA, Belgium
3 Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Department of Ilizarov, Faculty of Medicine, Catholic University of Leuven (KU Leuven), UZ Leuven, Belgium


The Ilizarov technique is a well-known procedure for limb deformity corrections. However, in the present study, the purpose was to examine the potential of wound closure by means of an Ilizarov frame.

Two main cases are presented, a further seven were retrospectively reviewed. The first case experienced a chronic wound at the tibial tuberosity. A fistula was excised followed by antibiotic therapy, however, dehiscence at the wound occurred for which an Ilizarov procedure was used. After two weeks the frame was removed and the wound was closed. The second patient underwent osteosynthesis of a tibia and fibula fracture but was complicated by infection. An Ilizarov device was applied for bone healing as well as the skin defect.

Nine patients were included in total. Four of them attained enough skin length via the Ilizarov procedure for secondary closure. Three had the frame removed before having full wound covering and needed further granulation of the wound.

Finally, two more patients underwent graft reconstruction. Three patients suffered from infectious complications.

The gold standard in soft tissue closure remains skin or flap reconstruction, however, this is not advisable in poor overall health and decreased local vascularity. If an Ilizarov frame is present for bone reconstruction, it can simultaneously be used for skin closure. The results shown in the current study indicate that a satisfactory outcome can be achieved.