Can we DAIR in FRI ? Debridement techniques in osteomyelitis

Published online: Jan 24 2025


1 Head of Clinic, Bone and Soft Tissues Infection Unit, University Hospitals of Ghent, Belgium
2 Head of Service , Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, University Hospitals of Ghent, Belgium
3 Head of Service, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, University Hospitals of Catholic University of Louvain, St-Stevenswoluwe, Belgium


The concept of Debridement, Antibiotics and Implant Retention (DAIR) is well known in periprosthetic joint infections. Extrapolating this concept to fracture related infections is mired in controversies. Characteristics of the metal implant, duration of infection, state of fracture healing, microbiological profile etc. appear to play a role in the decision making process whether or not to keep, adjust , exchange or remove (infected) metalwork. More than likely it is the quality of source control by meticulous debridement having a major impact whether a DAIR approach to FRI could result in a successful outcome.