Sweet's syndrome associated with pigmented villonodular synovitis.

Published online: Feb 27 2002

Gosheger G, Hillmann A, Ozaki T, Buerger H, Winkelmann W.

Orthopedic Department, Westfalische-Wilhelms-University, Munster, Germany. goshegg@uni-muenster.de


Sweet's syndrome (acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis) was first described in 1964. The typical symptoms of Sweet's syndrome are high temperature, peripheral leucocytosis, painful cutaneous rashes (papules, plaques) and arthralgia. Sweet's syndrome has particularly been described in association with neoplastic, infectious and immunological diseases. The pathogenesis of Sweet's syndrome can be explained by a reaction to an antigenic structure with accumulation of immunological complexes and liberation of inflammatory mediators. For the first time we report on a patient with Sweet's syndrome and pigmented villonodular synovitis, which is believed to play the antigenic role in the Sweet syndrome.