Lesions of the distal radio-ulnar joint associated with isolated fractures of the radial shaft

Published online: Dec 27 2002

Hattoma N, Rafai M, Zahar A, Largab A, Trafeh M.

Service de Chirurgie Orthopedique et Traumatologique, CHU Ibn Rochd, Rue des Hopitaux, Casablanca, Maroc.


The authors have performed a retrospective study of 49 Galeazzi fractures treated between 1990 and 1998. This lesion is considered rare because it is often misdiagnosed as an isolated fracture of the radius. The mean age of the patients was 31 years. There was a male predominance with a sex ratio of 4/1. Road traffic accidents were the main etiology (45%). Galeazzi fracture type III in Mansat's classification represented 53%, followed by type II (33%), type I (8%) and equivalents of Galeazzi fracture (6%). The treatment was surgical in all cases. The radial fracture was internally fixed with a plate. Reduction of the distal radio-ulnar instability, achieved by manipulation, was maintained with radio-ulnar pin fixation in 53% and with plaster cast immobilization 45%. The results, evaluated according to Mikic's criteria were excellent in 87%. The prognosis of Galeazzi's fracture depends mainly on the initial treatment of the lesions of the distal radio-ulnar joint, which require for their diagnosis a meticulous clinical evaluation and a good radiological analysis.