Anterior elbow dislocation with recurrent instability.

Published online: Apr 27 2003

Saouti R, Albassir A, Berger JP, Fatemi F, Willems S.

Orthopaedic Department, University Hospital (C.H.U. du Sart-Tilman), 4000 Liege, Belgium.


Anterior elbow dislocations are often associated with severe soft tissue lesions. The mechanism of dislocation is usually an anteriorly directed blow on the proximal ulna after a fall on a flexed elbow. Simple anterior elbow dislocations are traditionally treated by closed reduction followed by a short period of immobilisation. Fracture-dislocations are usually unstable after reduction and necessitate surgical management. The authors report a case of acute anterior dislocation with a concomitant radial head fracture that was complicated by recurrent instability. The literature is reviewed to discuss a treatment strategy.