Comparative in vitro assessment of the primary stability of cementless press-fit acetabular cups.

Published online: Feb 27 2004

Olory B, Havet E, Gabrion A, Vernois J, Mertl P.

University Hospital of Amiens, France


Long-term stable osseointegration of porous-coated acetabular cups depends on bony ingrowth within their porous surface. For ingrowth to take place, one must ensure rigid initial fixation of the implant, by means of screws or by impaction or using a threaded ring. Primary stability is a prerequisite for long term stability through bony ingrowth. We tested several cups commonly used in our department to assess their primary stability. The study was done using synthetic EP-Dur polyurethane resin blocks (Bayer, Leverkusen, Germany). The blocks were fixed at a 45 degrees angle to the horizontal. They were subsequently reamed using the appropriate reamers and the cups tested were impacted into the resin blocks. Eleven 52-mm cups were tested. The pull out force necessary to extract each cup was measured. The pull-out strength ranged from 7.63 to 55.46 Nm. We noted that the closer the cup was to a hemisphere, the better was the initial stability. The contact zone was at the periphery, and the greater the contact was with the resin, the better was the stability. Micromovements exceeding 150 microns prevent any bony ingrowth in vivo. Solid osseointegration can thus only be achieved if movements between implant and bone can be prevented. Our study indicated that initial fixation is essentially peripheral and that those cups that demonstrated the highest pull-out values also had the best peripheral contact. Our observations suggest that the geometry of the cup is more important than its surface macrostructure in terms of primary stability. To achieve stable fixation, we recommend using an oversized cup with a flattened dome to allow maximum peripheral contact.