Comparison of two treatment strategy for Lenke I adolescent idiopathic scoliosis

Published online: Dec 27 2014

Omer ERSEN, Serkan BILGIC, Selahattin OZYUREK, Safak EKINCI, Kenan KOCA, Erbil OGUZ

From Maresal Cakmak Military Hospital, Department of Orthopaedics, Erzurum, Turkey


The aim of the study study is to determine whether bilateral pedicle screw placement and posterior only spinal fusion improves sagittal correction parameters compared to alternate posterior segmental fixation in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. 49 patients with Lenke Type 1 main thoracic curves who underwent single stage posterior only instrumentation and spinal fusion at a single center were retrospectively evaluated according to coronal radiological parameters. Patients divided into two groups of treatment strategy. Bilateral segmental fixation group's results were similar to alternate fixation group. Although quality of life or cosmetic evaluation of patients not involved in this study, alternate fixation provides similar results as bilateral segmental fixation in adolescen idiopathic scoliosis.