Reverse shoulder arthroplasty for patients with glenohumeral osteoarthritis secondary to glenoid dysplasia


glenoid displasia ; glenohumeral osteo-arthritis ; reverse shoulder ; shoulder arthroplasty.

Published online: Nov 03 2019

Eduard Alentorn -Geli , Nathan R. Wanderman , Andrew T. Assenmacher , Robert H. Cofield , Joaquín Sanchez -Sotelo , John W. Sperling

From the Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA


The purpose is to report the clinical and radiographic outcomes, complications and reoperations of reverse shoulder arthroplasty (RSA) for glenoid dysplasia. All patients who had undergone RSA for osteoarthritis secondary to underlying glenoid dysplasia were retrospectively identified. The study included twelve shoulders (11 patients), with a mean (SD) patient age of 62.2 (13.2) years and median (range) clinical follow-up of 28 (24-34) months. RSA resulted in substantial improvements in pain and function. At most recent follow-up, there was a significant improvement in forward flexion range of motion (ROM), a non-significant improvement in internal rotation ROM, and no changes in external rotation ROM. The mean (SD) SST and ASES scores were 7.8 (3.7) and 73.5 (20.4), respectively. There were no reoperations or radiographic loosening. The results were excellent in 1 case, satisfactory in 8, and unsatisfactory in 3. RSA provides acceptable function and good pain relief, though patients should be advised that shoulder rotation may be somewhat limited.