Intra-articular ganglion cyst of cruciate ligaments of knee : arthroscopic and conservative treatment


Intra-articular ganglion cyst ; knee ; cruciate ligaments ; arthroscopic treatment ; conservative treatment

Published online: Jun 11 2021

Gokhan Karahan, Murat Gok, Huseyin Kaya, Cemil Kayal?, Kamil Yamak

From the Bozyaka Training and Research Hospital, ?zmir, Turkey


Anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments associated ganglion cysts of knee are rare conditions. These cysts are generally symptomatic ; painfull and activity limiting. MRI is commonly used for diagnosis of cruciate ligaments associated ganglion cyst, relation to anatomical structures and preoperative assesment. In this study, we present 8 cases with ganglion cysts in the cruciat ligaments detected with MRI and treated conservatively or arthroscopically. Three of these cases were treated conservatively and five of cases were treated arthroscopically. One of the patients treated conservatively had moderate pain and seven patients had no pain or any other symptoms.