The use of skull bone in maxillofacial reconstruction and its potential use in orthopedic surgery.
Published online: Mar 27 1994
B L Van Butsele, M Y Mommaerts, L F Neyt, C A De Clercq, J V Abeloos, D R Withofs, and W I Jacobs.
Department of Surgery, A.Z. Sint-Jan, Bruges, Belgium.
The calvarium provides a source of bone grafts that are widely applied in maxillofacial surgery, with minimal donor-site morbidity and less resorption than endochondral grafts. A technique of harvesting monocortical bone is described and possible indications in orthopedic surgery are proposed. Thus, we suggest that skull bone can be used in orthopedic surgery in some instances, resulting in less donor-site morbidity than when autogenous bone from other sources is used.