Blatt's capsulodesis for chronic scapholunate instability.
Published online: Jun 27 2003
Misra A, Hales P.
Manus Orthopaedics, Perth, Western Australia
Nineteen patients underwent a scapholunate interosseous ligament repair combined with a Blatt's capsulodesis for scapholunate instability between 1994 and 1999. The diagnosis was based on clinical, radiographic and arthroscopic assessments. Mean follow-up was 22 months (range: 8 months to 5 years). Fifteen patients were available for follow-up. Most (13 of 15) of the patients presented with predynamic or dynamic instability. Results were analysed clinically and radiologically. Thirteen patients showed good or excellent clinical result. There was statistically significant improvement in pain relief (VAS scores) and grip strength (58% of the opposite side). Mean extension and ulnar deviation were significantly improved (62% and 53% of the opposite side respectively) and there was significant reduction in wrist flexion (49% of the opposite side). Thirteen patients returned to their original level of activity. There was no significant change in the mean scapholunate gap and angle after surgery. Thirteen patients would recommend this operation. We believe that this procedure can produce encouraging results in cases of predynamic and dynamic instability in a patient population with low-demand wrists. Larger caseloads and more complete follow-ups would be desirable to derive strong evidence-based conclusions.