[False aneurysm of the knee after arthroscopy]
M Lafontaine, and A Khoury.
Abstract | PDF
[Mri and surgical indications in perforating ulcer in diabetic patients]
O Jarde, V Filloux, J F Filloux, A Remond, and P Vives.
Abstract | PDF
Synovial osteochondromatosis: an unusual cause for subacromial impingement.
A De Ferm, K Lagae, and T Bunker.
Abstract | PDF
Escalation of automutilation of the hand.
L De Smet, B Van Houdenhove, and G Fabry.
Abstract | PDF
Tri-calcium phosphate ceramics and allografts as bone substitutes for spinal fusion in idiopathic scoliosis as bone substitutes for spinal fusion in idiopathic scoliosis: comparative clinical results at four years.
J C Le Huec, E Lesprit, C Delavigne, D Clement, D Chauveaux, and A Le Rebeller.
Abstract | PDF
Juvenile kyphosis: effects of different variables on conservative treatment outcome.
D Platero, J D Luna, and V Pedraza.
Abstract | PDF
Total knee arthroplasty in the young rheumatoid patient.
J Bellemans, J Victor, R Westhovens, J Dequeker, and G Fabry.
Abstract | PDF
Application of the IFSSH(3)-classification for congenital anomalies of the hand; results and problems.
L De Smet, G Matton, S Monstrey, E Cambier, and G Fabry.
Abstract | PDF
Extensor indicis proprius to extensor pollicis longus transfer: results and complications.
L De Smet, J Van Loon, and G Fabry.
Abstract | PDF
The hung up shoulder: anterior subluxation locking in abduction.
B Kestens, and M Hoogmartens.
Abstract | PDF
Operative treatment of humeral shaft fractures.
T Mulier, D Seligson, W Sioen, J van den Bergh, and P Reynaert.
Abstract | PDF