Arthroscopic treatment of the young degenerative shoulder joint ; is there a role for interpositioning arthroplasty ?

Published online: Jun 27 2016

Anne KARELSE, Nouchka SPAPENS, Alexander VAN TONGEL, Lieven DE WILDE

From the University Hospital of Ghent, Belgium


We evaluate our experience with arthroscopic interpositioning arthroplasty as a treatment of the young degenerative shoulder joint. Between 2007 and 2009 ten patients were treated with either a dermal allograft or a meniscal allograft. In seven patients the graft failed and within 13 months these were revised to a total shoulder arthroplasty. Three patients are still satisfied after 7 to 8 years follow-up. Biologic resurfacing of the glenoid may have a role in the management of glenohumeral arthritis in the young and active patient, but the optimal graft and pathology still need to be defined.